Logo Motion - The 2011 FRC Game
LOGO MOTION is played by two competing alliances on a flat 27 x 54 foot field. Each alliance consists of three robots. They compete to hang as many inflated plastic shapes (triangles, circles, and squares) on their grids as they can during a 2 minute and 15 second match.
The higher the teams hang their game pieces on their scoring grid, the more points their alliance receives.
The match begins with one 15-second Autonomous Period in which robots operate independently of driver inputs and must hang Ubertubes to score extra points. For the rest of the match, drivers control robots and try to maximize their alliance score by hanging as many logo pieces as possible. Any logo piece hung on the same peg as an Ubertube receives double points. If teams assemble the logo pieces on their scoring grids to form the FIRST logo (triangle, circle, square, in a horizontal row in that order), the points for the entire row are doubled.
The match ends with robots deploying minibots, small electro-mechanical assemblies that are independent of the host robot, onto vertical poles. The minibots race to the top of the pole to trigger a sensor and earn additional bonus points.
Description from USFIRST
The Game Animation
Logo Motion Season Documents
- Awards
- Control System
- Analog Breakout.pdf
- Basic Operator Control.pdf
- Build and Load Code.pdf
- Camera Configuration.pdf
- Configure cRIO.pdf
- Configure IO Module.pdf
- Configure Radio.pdf
- Control System Getting Started.pdf
- Cypress IO Pinout tables.pdf
- Digital Sidecar.pdf
- Drive System User Guide.pdf
- Pneumatics Manual.pdf
- Power Distribution Board.pdf
- Replacement Parts Request.pdf
- Robot Data and Power CAN.pdf
- Robot Data and Power PWM.pdf
- Set Up Control System.pdf
- Set Up Driver Station.pdf
- Soleniod Breakout.pdf
- Field Drawings
- Forms & Permission Slips
- Bash Permission Slip.doc
- CNC Field Trip Permission Slip.doc
- Cpanel and phpmyadmin access request.pdf
- Field Trip and Travel Consent and Waiver Form.doc
- Field_Trip_Waiver_Form.pdf
- FIRST_Consent_Release_Form.pdf
- Hartford Regional Permission Slip.doc
- Maryland Sign up sheet.doc
- Medical Release Form.doc
- Permission AHS CTR.doc
- Poster PNG.zip
- poster ppt.pptx
- Regional Permission Slip.doc
- Robotics Club Trailer Use Policy.doc
- Security Drive Practice Space Waiver.doc
- Senior Center 2011.doc
- Suffield Permission Slip.doc
- Team 1124 Safety Guidelines 10-11.doc
- T shirts.doc
- Game Documents
- Administrative Manual
- Game Manual
- Team Updates
- Team Update 1.pdf
- Team Update 2.pdf
- Team Update 3.pdf
- Team Update 4.pdf
- Team Update 5.pdf
- Team Update 6.pdf
- Team Update 7.pdf
- Team Update 8.pdf
- Team Update 9.pdf
- Team Update 10.pdf
- Team Update 11.pdf
- Team Update 12.pdf
- Team Update 13.pdf
- Team Update 14.pdf
- Team Update 15.pdf
- Team Update 16.pdf
- Team Update 17.pdf
- Team Update 18.pdf
- Team Update 19.pdf
- Team Update 20.pdf
- Team Update 21.pdf
- 2011 Animation.flv
- 2011 Animation.mp4
- 2011 Animation.wmv
- Logomotion Logo.jpg
- Recruitment
- Software Updates
- Team Documents
- FRC Kick-Off Notes 2011.docx
Photo Gallery From 2011
Kickoff - 2011
2011 build week 1 - 2011
Bash at the Beach - 2011
Avon Day - 2011
99 Fundraiser - 2011
Bake Sale - 2011
Build Week 4 - 2011
Suffield Shakedown - 2011
Chesapeake Regional - 2011

Playdate - 2011

Northeast Utilites FIRST CT Regional - 2011
CNC Machine - 2011

Mayfair - 2011
Birdies for Charity - 2011
Canton Movie Night 2011 - 2011