Breakaway - The 2010 FRC Game
In 2010, FIRST kicked off Breakaway, a game that looked a lot like soccer on the surface. The field was split into 3 sections by two 1-foot-tall bumps with tunnels in the middle, which allowed smaller robots to move between the sections without going over the bump. Robots were allowed to have kickers to kick the balls into 1 of the 2 goals per alliance at each corner of the field, for a total of 4 goals. Where the game stopped looking like soccer was at the end, where teams could climb up towers in the middle of the field for bonus points.
The Game Animation
Breakaway Season Documents
Photo Gallery From 2010
Competition - 2010
Acura of Avon Day - 2010
Avon Day - 2010
CNC Machine - 2010
Making the CNC Workbench - 2010

CAD/CNC Machine Activities - 2010